Saturday, January 08, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Emma!

My niece Emma turned two years old. I really enjoyed that age with Anthony. It is such a sweet age and I enjoy seeing them start to get their words out.

My sister, her husband and my mom drove down for the day to take her to Adventures on Wonderland. We had pizza for lunch then played for a couple hours. Emma seemed to enjoy herself, playing at the indoor playground and running around. Anthony liked playing on the slide and submarine the most. This was the first time I saw him sit still while there. He sat at the table with the building blocks. Then he wanted me to read him a book (which I gladly did- and another child that we didn't know even asked me to read her a book.) Anthony was asking other boys around his age if they wanted to play "chase". He had fun chasing after them. I'm glad to see him interacting with others and playing nicely.

Emma loves to smother Ava with kisses. Ava doesn't seem to mind.
She is a mini-mommy in training. She loves her dolls.

Corey and Emma on Emma's first Christmas. December 2009 at 11.5 months. She is holding up her finger like she knows she is about to turn one year old!

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