Friday, December 31, 2004

In the Bend

Tonight we are heading to Grand Bend to celebrate the New Year with my husband's Brother and Sister-in-law. We might be in the local pub or in the hot tub when we ring in the new year. Happy New Year 2005!

It's a Zoo

.......... it's a zoo ..........
Brooke my sister's link
My sister Brooke is currently enrolled in University in Amsterdam

Monday, December 27, 2004

December 27, 2004

While Christmas is over for another year.....and another year is about to begin. I'm looking forward to a New Year. The older I get, the faster times goes by. I have a lot I want to do in this upcoming year. My sister told me to start doing my own blogger web site.


Posted by: shelleygreene.
Me as a child holding the kittens, some were born at the end of my bed


Posted by: shelleygreene.
somebody was upset that they didn't get to hold the baby

Millie and Don McLachlan ~ 1935

Posted by: shelleygreene
Millie and Don McLachlan ~ 1935
This photo is of my Grandfather and his sister, my great-aunt Millie. Grandpa died in 1997. I talk to Aunt Millie quite often. She is turning 75 this coming June. I am starting to get more interested in my family history. I love these old photographs.